AGP 1/3/5 Gear Extender, 03-05 Neon SRT-4

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Model Number: 220181-EXTENDER

Are you tired of having a hard time getting your transmission 1st, 3rd, or 5th gear in your Neon SRT4? Its most likely due to a bent shift fork and instead of having to tear down the entire transmission, install an AGP 1/3/5 gear billet shift extenders and get that extra throw needed to fully engage those gears.

While you have the transmission top cover plate off, its a great time to go ahead and replace the shift selector as well. See our other AGP listing for the shift selector.

Just like the AGP billet shift selector, this extender is made from hardened tool steel and will last a lifetime. In most cases, this piece will cure your grinding and your pop out problems commonly associated with 3rd gear.

Note: We have cleaned up this item for photo purposes. You may not receive one this clean as they tend to oxide over time as they sit on the shelf. This will not cause any installation issues, the part will work as it should once installed properly.

AGP 1/3/5 Gear Extender, 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Transmission: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Steve
    where will this part be placed if installed?
    1 Answer
    • Modern Performance

      This parts installs in the same area as the billet shift selector, under the top plate of the transmission where the shifter cables attatch.
  • James H
    Will this gear extender still work and serve the same purpose with a hurst short throw installed
    1 Answer
    • Modern Performance

      Yes. It does not matter if a short shifter is installed. Only, if you have a bent 3rd gear fork causing problems with 1/3/5 gear engagement.
  • Capone360
    Is this difficult to install and what is the estimated install time?
    1 Answer
    • Modern Performance

      This is a job that is more difficult than most bolt on parts. You can access the gear extender by taking off the shift assembly on top of the trans, and then you'll need some punches to knock out pins that hold the gear pieces in place. A professional can do this install in about an hour.
  • Mikey
    sometimes but not all the time my car doesnt want to go into gear will this help it go into gear easier?
    1 Answer
    • Modern Performance

      If you have a problem with all gears, then this is not for you. This is ONLY for people who have problems with 1/3/5 gears. If you have a problem with all gears you more than likely have a clutch master or slave cylinder issue, or maybe even a clutch issue.
  • Luis
    Having a problem shifting into reverse, just when warmed up , when first started while still cool shifts into reverse but once driven for a few km hard to shift. What could the problem be Thanks
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      You could have a problem with your clutch disc, or master cylinder, or clutch slave cylinder not disengaging the clutch. We had a SRT4 with the same problem and after we looked under the dash we saw the master cylinder leaking. After replacing it, our car drove perfectly.
  • Marke
    Grinding up into 3rd at higher rpm and down into 3rd if rpm drops too quickly. I can stop it from grinding when I shift down into 3rd by blipping the throttle before going into gear. Will this fix that?
    1 Answer
    • customer service rep

      It sounds like you have a synchro issue, and this would be a good place to begin.
  • Dave
    Roughly how long does it take to install this part?
    2 Answers
    • customer service rep

      Installation takes about 2-3 hours.
    • Joe

      Huge amount of work. I would realistically plan on spending a day doing it. And I had my son helping me. We are both VERY experienced backyard mechanics.
  • Tim G.
    will the billet shift selector, 1/3/5 extender and 2/4/R extender all work together with no problems?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      You can use the both extenders together, HOWEVER the 2/4/r extender and the shift selector are the same piece, except the extender is shorter than the 2/4/r. So, you must choose the shift selector or the 2/4/R, you cannot run all three at the same time.
  • chance
    This question may seem redundant, but will T-850 parts fit the stock neon NVG 350 I assume that it wouldnt work, but if not are there performance parts made for the nvg350? cause I'm not looking to buy a SRT trans
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      No, there are virtually no parts that are interchangeable between Neon SRT4 transmission (T850) and the Neon transmission (T350).
  • Christian
    Can you use this in conjunction with the 2/4/r extender as well? Basically install both of them at the same time
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      Yes this 1/3/5 extender can be used with the 2/4/r extender.
  • Isaac J Sawyer
    Hello, I have a very slight third gear grind going into 3rd. Out of third there is no problem. Will this fix my slight grind issue.
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      You sound like a good candidate for this piece.