BC Coilover Suspension, 00-05 Neon / 03-05 Neon SRT-4

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Model Number: 220311

The BC Racing BR Series offers the most affordable entry into coilover suspension without sacrificing performance, comfort, build quality, vehicle height, or handling. This is done by extensively testing each vehicle then refining the coilover characteristics as many times as needed to ensure the most well-balanced and affordable aftermarket suspension conceivable.

  • Mono-Tube shock design
  • Linear piston and damping curve
  • Height adjustment independent of spring compression
  • 30-Clicks of simultaneous compression/rebound adjustment
  • Front camber plates allow for extra range of camber adjustment/li>
  • Rear camber plates available seperately if you want to lower more than 2 inches and need rear camber adjustment
  • Lower collars are slotted for extra camber adjustment.
  • Includes front pillow ball mounts for improved handling and less suspension flexing around corners
  • 1-Year warranty against manufacturers defect
  • Fully Rebuildable
  • 360 ft lb front springs, 240 ft lb rear springs for a more sporty ride, but not too harsh
  • There are two very important things to consider when purchasing coilovers. Do not just judge a coilover by its price point, you need to 1) evaluate the spring rates to make sure the suspension wont be too harsh. If you have some cheap Ebay coilovers with 500-600 ft lb spring rates, your car will be banging and bouncing all over the ride. These BC coilovers have a reasonable 360 ft lb front and 240 ft lb rear. Also very important to consider is 2) Whether or not the company that made your coilovers can support you after the sale. Many cheap coilover companies have no offices or locations in the USA, and have no spare parts in the USA. So if you get into an accident and damage your coilover, or hit a pothole and blow a strut, you need replacement parts fast. BC Racing North America is in Florida and stocks a wide range of replacement parts for you. So your car isnt going to be down and off the road for months while you wait for replacement parts!

    Interested in the differences between the Megan coilovers and the BC coilovers? Please read our blog post here:

    BC Coilover Suspension, 00-05 Neon / 03-05 Neon SRT-4, Coilover Suspension: Store Name

    Ask a Product Question

    • Anthony
      good morning,
      was wondering if you could please email the differences between the bc and megan coilovers as the link you are providing (http://www.modernperformance.com/blog/differences-between-bc-and-megan-coilovers)
      isn't currently working.

      thank you
      1 Answer
      • Modern Performance

    • jaime
      How low will these coilovers lower my srt4 neon. also when adjusting the stiffness of the coilovers does the height of the car change? how eas are they to adjust after installed Thank you!
      1 Answer
      • Modern Performance

        These coilovers can lower the car beyond the point where it is drivable if you wanted. Adjusting the rebound has no effect on the car's height. Just twist the knob at the top to adjust stiffness!
    • Dominic
      what are the sizes of the pistons shafts in BC coilovers and the Megan'S ??? THX
      1 Answer
      • Modern Performance

        It's really hard to tell the size of the shafts when both of these are compressed. However on the BC's they are roughly around 7" we are unsure on the Megans since we sell more of the BC's.
    • Luis
      What are the spring rates on these? Thanks
      1 Answer
      • Modern Performance

        336 ft lb front, 224 ft lb rear.
    • CJ
      I want to keep the stock ride height in the front. Will I be able to maintain the stock height or do these drop the car still while adjusted to their max height?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        Coilovers by nature, are to lower the car, and not to keep a stock height. Therefore, there will be zero information out there on keeping your car stock height with coilovers. Now with that being said, the minimum lowering amount with coilovers will be about .5 to 1 inch lower than factory height, roughly.
    • Adam
      Do these struts come with strut toppers? Meaning there ready to go in the car without any other parts?
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        These are out of the box, ready to install.
    • Matt
      just installed these, my tire rubs just a little on the passenger side coil. Will raising the ride height fix this? Or do I need to run spacers? stock tire size, BTW.
      1 Answer
      • customer service rep

        100% of issues like this are caused by your car not being aligned. After you get your car aligned you wont have weird issues like this.
    • Josh
      what is a good dampening level to start with??
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        The BC coilovers have a range of 0-30 way adjustments. 0 is softest, 30 is hardest. You adjust the coilovers by rotating the knob counter clockwise until it stops, that is zero. Then, we recommend to start somewhere around 8-10 in the front and 6-8 in the rear. Then adjust to your liking.
    • Mike
      Can I purchase separately a strut mount only for a BC BR coil over for a 05 SRT4 Neon? I need one for the left front. Thanks
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        Only BC sells replacement parts, so if you need an individual replacement part like that, its best to contact BC North America in Florida.
    • Preston Prieto
      If I'm lowering my car more than 2 inches do I need rear camber plates?
      1 Answer
      • Customer Service Rep

        If you plan on lowering the car more than 2 inches, you should get the BC coilovers that have rear camber plates, to allow for more easier camber adjustment. This is because the rear wheels camber in when the car is lowered aggressively.