Multi-function Switch (MFS), Headlight/Fog Light/Turn Signal 00-05 Neon/SRT-4

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Model Number: 601575

Are your headlights or fog lights having a hard time staying on or flash when you hit bumps? Chances are your multi-function switch (MFS) is worn out and needs replaced. We now offer a multi-function switch for the following vehicles equipped with fog lights:

This unit is not a generic MFS we sourced from Ebay, we have used these in several of our own second gen Neon/SRT-4's with good success. We've also been offering them for a few years and the quality is very good.

  • 00-05 Neon
  • 03-05 Neon SRT-4

Please note: when installing the new MFS switch, please remove the relay on the back of the MFS And transfer it to the new MFS. See our photo attached.


Additional Options

Multi-Function Switch (MFS) Wiring & Connector Repair Kit 2000-2010 Neon/Neon SRT-4/PT Cruiser

Model Number: 601575-AFTER-CON
The second gen Neon, SRT-4 and PT Cruiser have a issue where high currents are passed through the headlight/turn signal Read more

Mopar Multi-Function Switch (MFS) Wiring & Connector Repair Kit 2000-2010 Neon/Neon SRT-4/PT Cruiser

Model Number: 601575-CONNECTOR
We now carry the Mopar Multi-Function Switch Wiring Repair Kit for the following vehicles: 00-05 Neon 03-05 Read more

Multi-function Switch (MFS), Headlight/Fog Light/Turn Signal 00-05 Neon/SRT-4, Interior: Store Name

Ask a Product Question

  • Craig
    Does the clock spring connect to the multifunction switch?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The clockspring has its own wiring that is separate and not run through the multi function switch.
  • John
    My blinkers stick after turning them on, the wheel should click them back off automatically after a turn but it doesn't I have to do it manually will this fix my problem?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      If your turn signals are not working at all, or the stalk feels sticky when you push down on the stalk, or does not disengage after you turn, its highly likely you need a new multi function switch like this.
  • Bradley
    I have my lights blinking at bumps but also have miss fire can this cause a miss fire also turns off my radio and my gages shut off and back very intermitant
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The MFS Multi Function Switch controls the Headlights, Turn signals, and interior lighting. If you have a problem with your MFS switch, its most likely going to cause problems with the items listed above. If you have an issue like you mentioned you might have a problem with a ground in the engine bay, or some other wiring issue.
  • Chaz
    Isn't this the same part for the PT Cruiser?
    1 Answer
    • Customer Service Rep

      The Neon and PT Cruiser use very similar Multi Function Switches however they can not be interchanged. They are designed differently.